HARK FORUM › Sound Localisation Error › Reply To: Sound Localisation Error
Thank you for using HARK.
For PlayStation Eye, I assume you have read http://hark.jp/wiki.cgi?page=SupportedHardware#p3
and downloaded Transfer Function at http://hark.jp/wiki.cgi?page=SupportedHardware#p10
If the transfer function by TSP recordings does not perform well with tuning the THRESHOLD, then please try the other one by Geometrically Calculation and tune the THRESHOLD again.
To tune the value of THRESHOLD, please do the following:
1. Turn DEBUG, the parameter of SourceTracker node, ON
2. Run HARK
3. Obtain the results
4. Set THRESHOLD, the parameter of SourceTracker node, to be the middle value from the results above
5. Turn DEBUG, the parameter of SourceTracker node, OFF
If it’s still not working, then you need to generate your own transfer function.
HARK Support Team