Reply To: Sound Source Localization with suppression of constant noise

HARK FORUM Sound Source Localization with suppression of constant noise Reply To: Sound Source Localization with suppression of constant noise


I expect that the cause is the following.
IterCount is a node that outputs frame count.
In the cookbook the constant node uses 200 frames. Every 1 frame can be considered 10 ms. So 200 is the same as 2 seconds. (If ADVANCE is 160 samples in case of the 16 kHz sampling, one frame is 10 ms.)
In other words, input data must be greater than 2 seconds.
You can either lower the frames to match the length of the input file.
Or you can increase the length of the input file to match the frame count.

The detailed behavior of CMMakerFromFFTwithFlag is described in the HARK document. The HTML version can be found at the following URL.

Also, although it is irrelevant to the calculation result, old description may remain in the cookbook manual.
For example, since the format saved by CMSave has been changed to zip format, it is preferable to make the file name extension zip.

Best regards,