Playback device ============================== Device: hw:0,0 (type: HW) Access types: MMAP_INTERLEAVED RW_INTERLEAVED Formats: S16_LE S32_LE Channels: 2 Sample rates: 44100 48000 96000 192000 Interrupt interval: 83-185760 us Buffer size: 166-371520 us ---------------------------------------- You can use following device arguments with the wios command. In case of to use device hw:0,0 as a playback device. -p -x 0 -d hw:0,0 or -s -x 0 -y hw:0,0 -z (for the synchronous recording and playback) You can use following encoding argument with the wios command. -e 16 (same as --encoding 16) -e 32 (same as --encoding 32) You can use following channels argument with the wios command. -c (same as --channels ) *) Please select one of ( 2 ) as . You can use following sampling rate argument with the wios command. -f (same as --frequency ) *) Please select one of ( 44100 48000 96000 192000 ) as . Capture device ============================== Device: hw:0,0 (type: HW) Access types: MMAP_INTERLEAVED RW_INTERLEAVED Formats: S16_LE S32_LE Channels: 2 Sample rates: 44100 48000 96000 Interrupt interval: 166-185760 us Buffer size: 333-371520 us ---------------------------------------- You can use following device arguments with the wios command. In case of to use device hw:0,0 as a recording device. -r -x 0 -a hw:0,0 or -s -x 0 -y -z hw:0,0 (for the synchronous recording and playback) You can use following encoding argument with the wios command. -e 16 (same as --encoding 16) -e 32 (same as --encoding 32) You can use following channels argument with the wios command. -c (same as --channels ) *) Please select one of ( 2 ) as . You can use following sampling rate argument with the wios command. -f (same as --frequency ) *) Please select one of ( 44100 48000 96000 ) as .