Reply To: Sound source localization

HARK FORUM Sound source localization Reply To: Sound source localization


    Hi Riya,

    The parameter values of these nodes have been provided with incorrect/empty values:

    In NormalizeMUSIC:

    This should correspond to the number of channels of the microphone array of the transfer function file that you have referred in the parameter A_MATRIX.
    For example, if the microphone array of your transfer function has 8 channels, the value should be: <Vector<int> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7>

    This is the sampling frequency of input acoustic signal. The data type must be int and the default value is 16000.

    3. A_MATRIX
    The file name of the transfer function file that will be used in this network. Please refer to this link for generating a transfer function.

    In DisplayLocalization:
    The GUI window name. The data type should be string and the default value is ‘Source Location’.

    Please let us know if you need more information.

    Thank you,
    HARK Support Team