Reply To: HARK on Beaglebone black, with ROS

HARK FORUM HARK on Beaglebone black, with ROS Reply To: HARK on Beaglebone black, with ROS

Danbing Zhu

    Got HARK/HARK-ros working on Beaglebone Blue and Raspberry Pi 3.

    I think the problem with my previous failure to compile Hark-ros on Beaglebone Black is the graphic interface of the operating system consumes some of the limited memory on board. So disable the graphic desktop should do the trick. Same for Raspberry Pi.

    Basically, I followed the instructions provided on HARK’s official website. Did some modifications along the way:
    1. in step 4 of install from source in HARK-ROS installation instructions,
    ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-hark-inc=/usr/include/hark --enable-ros; make clean; make ; sudo make install; should be changed to ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-hark-inc=/usr/local/include/hark --enable-ros; make clean; make ; sudo make install;
    2. Added include path for hark-ros-stacks-kinetic/devel/include/ in hark-ros-<version>’s configure file
    3. Changed -march=core2 -mtune=core2 in hark-ros-<version>/src/ and hark-ros-<version>/src/ to
    -march=native -mtune=<board's corresponding processor>
    4. If the .n file complains that can’t be found, add export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib to ~/.bashrc

    The combination of RPi + ROS + HARK + PS3 Eye seems to be working for me.

    Although I believe HARK is working on Beaglebone Blue, I can’t make Playstation Eye work with the Beaglebone. So if someone has any idea, it will be good to share that here.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Danbing Zhu.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Danbing Zhu.